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Energy Reading 

lecture énergétique offrant une guidance spirituelle

From self to self

We are often unaware of ourselves; the deepest part of us remains hidden from our senses. An energetic reading means accessing the intimate, deepest part of ourselves that  knows us by heart, so that our path becomes clearer. It's an inner exploration of the particularities that make us up and the experiences that have shaped us.

What for?

Life Mission

Sometimes we have a deep questionning

What am I supposed to do with my life, am I on the right path?

What uniquely defines me?

What prevents me from fully expressing my potential, and how can I remove these blocks in a very concrete way?

Choice Period

Sometimes life seems to toss us about

Doors suddenly close - the loss of a job, the end of a relationship, the death of a loved one, and our semblance of stability is turned upside down; the path that seemed clear darkens, leaving us bewildered...


Sometimes difficulties seems to have no end

No matter how hard you try, it seems that the lesson to be learned is not clear and time seems to pass without any way out. That's when you start looking for answers...


Shed a light on how you function


to light

Bringing to consciousness the ways in which you are currently functioning that are harmful to you and preventing you from fully expressing your true nature.

Reclaim your spiritual power


your power

Without an intimate knowledge of ourselves, we are often led to question our impulses, our intuitions, and to compare them with what others are doing, thus distancing ourselves from ourselves.

Remove emotional blocks, limiting beliefs and residues from past lives

Breaking down


Identify the blockages that the past brings to your present, to free yourself from them.


Sessions can be conducted in English

The session takes place by videoconference or in my practice in Le Puy en Velay (France).

The session is recorded, so that you can concentrate on what is said and return to it later in your life, as elements may make sense at different times.

Want to explore further?

  • Pack Exploration

    (480€ hors pack)
    • Pack de 3 heures
    • Règlement en 4x97,50€ avec PayPal
  • Pack Expansion

    (800€ hors pack)
    • Pack de 5 heures
    • Règlement en 4x155€ avec PayPal

There's something very deep and powerful in Charlene's connection to energy. You can feel it immediately, even if you're not used to this kind of practice. You can almost feel our guides' joy at the prospect of communicating messages to us through her, like friends reuniting; the communication is incredibly fluid, and benevolent. 

It is as if, acknowledging her deep and sincere empathy, they willingly allow her to connect and broadcast their powerful healing energies.

Luisa R. - Paris, France

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